Algebraic Addition and Subtraction of Vectors, Grade 11 physics

Physics 11.I Vectors T.Trường 22/6/17 1,665 0
  1. Algebraic Addition and Subtraction of Vectors, Grade 11 physics
    Vectors in a Straight Line

    Whenever you are faced with adding vectors acting in a straight line (i.e. some directed left and some right, or some acting up and others down) you can use a very simple algebraic technique:

    Method: Addition/Subtraction of Vectors in a Straight Line
    1. Choose a positive direction. As an example, for situations involving displacements in the directions west and east, you might choose west as your positive direction. In that case, displacements east are negative.
    2. Next simply add (or subtract) the vectors using the appropriate signs.
    3. As a final step the direction of the resultant should be included in words (positive answers are in the positive direction, while negative resultants are in the negative direction).
    Worked Example 1: Adding vectors algebraically I
    A tennis ball is rolled towards a wall which is 10 m away from the wall. If after striking the wall the ball rolls a further 2,5 m along the ground away from the wall, calculate algebraically the ball’s resultant displacement.
    Step 1 : Draw a rough sketch of the situation
    Step 2 : Decide which method to use to calculate the resultant
    We know that the resultant displacement of the ball ($\vec{x_R}$) is equal to the sum of the ball’s separate displacements ($\vec{x_1}$ and $\vec{x_2}$):
    $\vec{x_R}$ = $\vec{x_1}$ + $\vec{x_2}$
    Since the motion of the ball is in a straight line (i.e. the ball moves towards and away from the wall), we can use the method of algebraic addition just explained.
    Step 3 : Choose a positive direction
    Let’s make towards the wall the positive direction. This means that away from the wall becomes the negative direction.
    Step 4 : Now define our vectors algebraically
    With right positive:
    x1 = +10,0 m
    $\vec{x_2}$ = −2,5 m
    Step 5 : Add the vectors
    Next we simply add the two displacements to give the resultant:
    $\vec{x_R}$ = (+10 m) + (−2,5 m) = (+7,5) m
    Step 6 : Quote the resultant
    Finally, in this case towards the wall means positive so: $\vec{x_R}$ = 7,5 m towards the wall.
    Worked Example 2: Subtracting vectors algebraically I
    Suppose that a tennis ball is thrown horizontally towards a wall at an
    initial velocity of 3 m·s$^{−1}$ to the right. After striking the wall, the ball returns to the
    thrower at 2 m·s$^{−1}$ . Determine the change in velocity of the ball.
    Step 1 : Draw a sketch
    A quick sketch will help us understand the problem.
    Step 2 : Decide which method to use to calculate the resultant
    Remember that velocity is a vector. The change in the velocity of the ball is equal to the difference between the ball’s initial and final velocities:
    ∆$\vec{v}$ = $\vec{v_f}$ − $\vec{v_i}$
    Since the ball moves along a straight line (i.e. left and right), we can use the algebraic technique of vector subtraction just discussed.
    Step 3 : Choose a positive direction
    Choose towards the wall as the positive direction. This means that away from the wall becomes the negative direction.
    Step 4 : Now define our vectors algebraically
    $\vec{v_i}$ = +3 m · s$^{−1}$
    $\vec{v_f}$ = −2 m · s$^{−1}$
    Step 5 : Subtract the vectors
    Thus, the change in velocity of the ball is:
    ∆$\vec{v}$ = (−2 m · s$^{−1}$ ) − (+3 m · s$^{−1}$ ) = (−5) m · s$^{−1}$
    Step 6 : Quote the resultant
    Remember that in this case towards the wall means positive so: ∆$\vec{v}$ = 5 m · s$^{−1}$ to the away from the wall.
    Exercise: Resultant Vectors
    E - 1.
    Harold walks to school by walking 600 m Northeast and then 500 m N 40◦W. Determine his resultant displacement by using accurate scale drawings.
    E - 2. A dove flies from her nest, looking for food for her chick. She flies at a velocity of 2 m·s$^{−1}$ on a bearing of 135◦ and then at a velocity of 1,2 m·s$^{−1}$ on a bearing of 230◦. Calculate her resultant velocity by using accurate scale drawings.
    E - 3. A squash ball is dropped to the floor with an initial velocity of 2,5 m·s$^{−1}$ . I rebounds (comes back up) with a velocity of 0,5 m·s$^{−1}$ .
    3.1 What is the change in velocity of the squash ball?
    3.2 What is the resultant velocity of the squash ball?

    Remember that the technique of addition and subtraction just discussed can only be applied to vectors acting along a straight line. When vectors are not in a straight line, i.e. at an angle to each other, the following method can be used:
    A More General Algebraic technique
    Simple geometric and trigonometric techniques can be used to find resultant vectors.

    Worked Example 3: An Algebraic Solution I
    A man walks 40 m East, then 30 m North. Calculate the man’s resultant displacement.
    Step 1 : Draw a rough sketch
    As before, the rough sketch looks as follows:
    x2 $_{R}$= (40 m)2+ (30 m)2= 2 500 m => x$_{R}$ = 50 m
    Step 2 : Determine the length of the resultant
    Note that the triangle formed by his separate displacement vectors and his resultant
    displacement vector is a right-angle triangle. We can thus use the Theorem of
    Pythagoras to determine the length of the resultant. Let x represent the length of
    the resultant vector. Then:
    Step 3 : Determine the direction of the resultant
    Now we have the length of the resultant displacement vector but not yet its direction. To determine its direction we calculate the angle α between the resultant displacement vector and East, by using simple trigonometry:
    Step 4 : Quote the resultant
    The resultant displacement is then 50 m at 36,9◦ North of East. This is exactly the same answer we arrived at after drawing a scale diagram!
    In the previous example we were able to use simple trigonometry to calculate the resultant displacement. This was possible since the directions of motion were perpendicular (north and east). Algebraic techniques, however, are not limited to cases where the vectors to be combined are along the same straight line or at right angles to one another. The following example illustrates this.
    Worked Example 4: An Algebraic Solution II
    A man walks from point A to point B which is 12 km away on a bearing of 45◦ . From point B the man walks a further 8 km east to point C. Calculate the resultant displacement.
    \[\hat {BAF}\] = 45◦ since the man walks initially on a bearing of 45◦. Then, \[\hat {ABG}\] =\[\hat {BAF}\] = 45◦ (parallel lines, alternate angles). Both of these angles are included in the rough sketch.
    Step 1 : Draw a rough sketch of the situation
    Step 2 : Calculate the length of the resultant
    The resultant is the vector AC. Since we know both the lengths of AB and BC and the included angle $A\hatB C$, we can use the cosine rule:
    AC2 = AB2 + BC2 − 2·AB·BC cos($A\hatB C$) = (12)2 + (8)$^{2 }$− 2· (12)(8) cos(135◦)= 343,8
    => AC = 18,5 km
    Step 3 : Determine the direction of the resultant
    Next we use the sine rule to determine the angle θ:
    To find $F\hatA C$, we add 45◦. Thus, $F\hatA C$ = 62,8◦.
    Step 4 : Quote the resultant
    The resultant displacement is therefore 18,5 km on a bearing of 062,8◦.
    Exercise: More Resultant Vectors
    E - 1.
    Hector, a long distance athlete, runs at a velocity of 3 m·s$^{−1}$ in a northerly direction. He turns and runs at a velocity of 5 m·s$^{−1}$ in a westerly direction. Find his resultant velocity by using appropriate calculations. Include a rough sketch of the situation in your answer.
    E - 2. Sandra walks to the shop by walking 500 m Northwest and then 400 m N 30◦E. Determine her resultant displacement by doing appropriate calculations