Energy graphs, Grade 10 Physics

Physics 10.III Gravity, Mechanical Energy T.Trường 9/6/17 1,070 0
  1. Energy graphs, Grade 10 Physics
    Let us consider our example of the suitcase on the cupboard, once more.
    Let’s look at each of these quantities and draw a graph for each. We will look at how each quantity changes as the suitcase falls from the top to the bottom of the cupboard.
    Potential energy: The potential energy starts off at a maximum and decreases until it reaches zero at the bottom of the cupboard. It had fallen a distance of 2 metres.
    Kinetic energy: The kinetic energy is zero at the start of the fall. When the suitcase reaches the ground, the kinetic energy is a miximum. We also use distance on the x-axis.
    Mechanical energy: The mechanical energy is constant throughout the motion and is always a maximum. At any point in time, when we add the potential energy and the kinetic energy, we will get the same number.
    • Mass is the amount of matter an object is made up of.
    • Weight is the force with which the Earth attracts a body towards its centre.
    • A body is in free fall if it is moving in the Earth’s gravitational field and no other forces act on it.
    • The equations of motion can be used for free fall problems. The acceleration (a) is equal to the acceleration due to gravity (g).
    • The potential energy of an object is the energy the object has due to his position above a reference point.
    • The kinetic energy of an object is the energy the object has due to its motion.
    • Mechanical energy of an object is the sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy of the object.
    • The unit for energy is the joule (J).
    • The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be changed from one form into another.
    • The Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy states that the total mechanical energy of an isolated system remains constant.
    • The table below summarises the most important equations:

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