Conductors and insulators, Grade 10 Physics: Electrostatics 1/ Conductors and insulators All atoms are electrically neutral i.e. they have the same amounts of negative and positive charge inside them. By convention, the electrons carry negative charge and the protons carry positive charge. The basic unit of charge, called the elementary charge, e, is the amount of charge carried by one electron. All the matter and materials on earth are made up of atoms. Some materials allow electrons to move relatively freely through them (e.g. most metals, the human body). These materials are called conductors. Other materials do not allow the charge carriers, the electrons, to move through them (e.g. plastic, glass). The electrons are bound to the atoms in the material. These materials are called non-conductors or insulators. If an excess of charge is placed on an insulator, it will stay where it is put and there will be a concentration of charge in that area of the object. However, if an excess of charge is placed on a conductor, the like charges will repel each other and spread out over the surface of the object. When two conductors are made to touch, the total charge on them is shared between the two. If the two conductors are identical, then each conductor will be left with half of the total charge. Extension: Charge and electrons The basic unit of charge, namely the elementary charge is carried by the electron (equal to 1.602×10−19C!). In a conducting material (e.g. copper), when the atoms bond to form the material, some of the outermost, loosely bound electrons become detached from the individual atoms and so become free to move around. The charge carried by these electrons can move around in the material. In insulators, there are very few, if any, free electrons and so the charge cannot move around in the material. Worked Example: Conducting spheres and movement of charge Question: I have 2 charged metal conducting spheres. Sphere A has a charge of -5nC and sphere B has a charge of -3 nC. I then bring the spheres together so that they touch each other. Afterwards I move the two spheres apart so that they are no longer touching. What happens to the charge on the two spheres? What is the final charge on each sphere? Answer Step 1 : Identify what is known and what question/s we need to answer: We have two identical negatively charged conducting spheres which are brought together to touch each other and then taken apart again. We need to explain what happens to the charge on each sphere and what the final charge on each sphere is after they are moved apart. Step 2 : What concept is being used? We know that the charge carriers in conductors are free to move around and that charge on a conductor spreads itself out on the surface of the conductor. Step 3 : Use the concept to find the answer When the two conducting spheres are brought together to touch, it is as though they become one single big conductor and the total charge of the two spheres spreads out across the whole surface of the touching spheres. When the spheres are moved apart again, each one is left with half of the total original charge. Before the spheres touch, the total charge is: -5 nC + (-3) nC = -8 nC. When they touch they share out the -8 nC across their whole surface. When they are removed from each other, each is left with half of the original charge: −8 nC /2 = −4 nC on each sphere. 2/ The electroscope The electroscope is a very sensitive instrument which can be used to detect electric charge. A diagram of a gold leaf electroscope is shown the figure below. The electroscope consists of a glass container with a metal rod inside which has 2 thin pieces of gold foil attached. The other end of the metal rod has a metal plate attached to it outside the glass container. The electroscope detects charge in the following way: A charged object, like the positively charged rod in the picture, is brought close to (but not touching) the neutral metal plate of the electroscope. This causes negative charge in the gold foil, metal rod, and metal plate, to be attracted to the positive rod. Because the metal (gold is a metal too!) is a conductor, the charge can move freely from the foil up the metal rod and onto the metal plate. There is now more negative charge on the plate and more positive charge on the gold foil leaves. This is called inducing a charge on the metal plate. It is important to remember that the electroscope is still neutral (the total positive and negative charges are the same), the charges have just been induced to move to different parts of the instrument! The induced positive charge on the gold leaves forces them apart since like charges repel! This is how we can tell that the rod is charged. If the rod is now moved away from the metal plate, the charge in the electroscope will spread itself out evenly again and the leaves will fall down again because there will no longer be an induced charge on them. 3/ Grounding If you were to bring the charged rod close to the uncharged electroscope, and then you touched the metal plate with your finger at the same time, this would cause charge to flow up from the ground (the earth), through your body onto the metal plate. This is called grounding. The charge flowing onto the plate is opposite to the charge on the rod, since it is attracted to the rod. Therefore, for our picture, the charge flowing onto the plate would be negative. Now charge has been added to the electroscope. It is no longer neutral, but has an excess of negative charge. Now if we move the rod away, the leaves will remain apart because they have an excess of negative charge and they repel each other. 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